Follow Your Courageous Heart
Tune into what your heart is saying!
Transform your life, live your dreams, reclaim your personal power and live a life of greater authenticity and fulfillment.

Click the button below for FREE access to the Hearticulation Worksheets as mentioned in Dr. Davina's best-selling book It's Never Too Late To Be Your Self.
Begin here to build that amazing life that honors you! Being happy, free, self-actualized, and doing what you love to do in the world, sharing your talents and skills!

Meet Davina
DR. DAVINA S. KOTULSKI is a licensed clinical psychologist, life coach, spiritual counselor, best-selling and award-winning author and speaker, and nationally known LGBT rights leader. She is passionate about helping people overcome obstacles to make their dreams come true. She has an international life coaching practice, leads teleseminars, live workshops and facilitates online coaching programs on following your courageous heart, spiritual growth, and authentic self-expression.
If you’re feeling pulled to work with someone who really listens and takes the time to understand your unique goals and struggles, look no further. Davina is the most empathetic and intuitive person I’ve ever had the privilege to know. She sees the truth through the BS and isn’t afraid to call me out on the lies I may be telling myself. And though we’ve dealt with things that can be difficult to talk through (i.e. that four letter word…FEAR) she has a lighthearted sense of humor that always puts me at ease. Davina helped me navigate through the negative beliefs and crutches that had been holding me back. My outlook truly transformed. A few months ago I also felt called to make some big moves in my life and writing. I have taken large steps toward pursuing my dreams thanks to Davina’s guidance. Invest in your growth and work with her if you can. What she’s given me in return is priceless.”
San Francisco, CA
Davina is absolutely wonderful. Inspiring, thoughtful, kind, funny, wise…everything you would hope for in a life coach. Among other things, she has a great knack for seeing and acknowledging the daily noise that can fill my brain upon waking and then helping me refocus my thoughts and energy on a positive and uplifting way of thought that’s incredibly constructive in achieving my goals. And, while she is a coach, she is also a fantastic collaborative partner in the journey of self discovery. She pushes you without being pushy. I have worked with her off and on for over a year and will continue to do so. Davina is a wonderful spirit and I’m thankful for her wisdom, encouragement and kindness in my journey of personal and professional growth.”
Actor, Voice of the Ellen DeGeneres Show, Woodland Hills, CA
I am so happy to be working with Davina! She is very positive and approachable and anyone would feel comfortable to reveal the details of whatever might be gnawing at them. This is true because I really don’t like opening up; maybe I should say didn’t like. Davina’s calm knowledge helps me to tackle obstacles I had written off as too difficult, too far out of my reach, or just issues that aren’t pretty! Lol. It’s felt so good and freeing to be able to identify what’s holding me back and then change that. I have experienced therapists and specialists in the past but not like Davina. After our sessions I see a pathway with many directions and I feel inspired and like the fire has been lit under my butt! It’s a true life path healing! I now feel more energized and optimistic. My personal relationships have grown and my professional life has exploded with potential. Do yourself a favor and check her out as I know my words can’t do her services justice! I have recommended her to all my best friends too.”
North Hollywood, CA
What would following your courageous heart look like?
Living an authentic life means standing firm in our dreams! It means not settling for something less out of fear or desire for security. It means being true to ourselves and releasing what no longer fits or serves us. It means moving in the direction of our heart’s desire, no matter what our friends, colleagues, parents or society says.
Are you ready to start following your heart and courageously change your life?
Sign up now for FREE access to Davina's
"Follow Your Courageous Heart" self-study program
Working with Davina over the past 18 months has been the most liberating and ‘life-changing experience for me after working with many different therapists, coaches, counselors and workshop leaders over the past 15 years. She has a unique gift of bringing out the real issues and taking you to Your Truth with deeply probing questions. She is truly creative in coming up with different ways of looking at ‘your reality’ which allows for a shift at the deepest levels of your Soul Being. Her communication skills and focus on keeping you on track are just superb. I highly recommend working with Davina if you want to make real lasting changes in whatever is ‘holding you back’ to live life fully as your True Self! Your life will never be the same. It will change for the better!”
There is no greater gift you can give yourself than to accept the tools to live a more whole and courageous life. The Follow Your Courageous Heart course gave me those tools. After losing my thirty-year job I was paralyzed with self-doubt and the daunting thought of what do I do now. With the loving direction from Davina, the materials she provided, and group exercises I was able to break free from self-doubt and internal judgment. Needless to say, this course had a huge impact in my life, and I will forever be grateful for the very talented Dr. Davina Kotulski.Thank you for such an amazing course!"
Before I signed up for the 90 Day Follow Your Courageous Heart Program I was feeling unhappy in my life and at a loss of what to do about it. I knew that I was missing something. I was incredibly unhappy with myself and my life in so many ways and I was beginning to give up. I thought maybe the rest of my life would just be me struggling to survive rather than thriving and finding happiness.
With each class I began to listen to my heart more and more. It helped me to imagine my wildest most passionate dreams, putting aside the fear and worry. Once I gave myself the freedom to imagine and let my heart tell me what it wanted, I realized that what I want out of life is not outlandish or impossible. It will take some work, but it's definitely within my reach. I learned new skills. I realize I do have the answers, I just need to stop ignoring my heart! I absolutely made strides. I now have goals that excite me. I would definitely say that hearticulation was very important for me as was taking baby steps. I really think that listening to your heart came naturally to us as children but as we've grown up, we have forgotten how to do it. In my opinion that's what leads to us jumping from job to job, hobby to hobby or relationship to relationship without satisfaction because we don't actually know what we want. The program helps us figure that out!
Davina has a beautiful talent of being very even and calm when she listens and offers suggestions or prompts questions. She knows the right things to ask. I never feel judged or like I have to please her or pretend that I am okay when I'm not. It's truly a talent to make an individual feel like they are in a completely safe space.”
Participating in the Follow Your Courageous Heart program has allowed me to put things into perspective and contemplate the things that I have accomplished in life and the things I have yet accomplish. The journaling exercises allowed me to listen to my heart, set aside judgements, and think about the steps that I need to take towards achieving my goals rather than just focusing on my diagnosis and the barriers. I had not realized how afraid I was to experience the anger around my diagnosis; I didn’t want to lose my faith or optimism, but I needed to experience the anger in order to move forward. I remember pausing the recording and just sitting with my anger. I just let it be, knowing that the feeling was transient.
I’ve allowed my mind to wander, explore, and dream without putting limitations. Thank you for reminding me/us to not just focus on the obstacles, but focus on the miracles and ways in which the “universe” reminds us of our “relevance.” I now make more of a conscious effort to express gratitude to others, to myself, to the universe on a daily basis.”
Davina has a way about her that pulls out the best in others and clears away the fog. She is thoughtful, methodical, caring and loving..and I’ve only worked with her over the phone! During one of my darkest times, she was there and not only picked me up and helped me see the next steps, she inspired me to be and do more than I had thought possible. She is truly a gift.”
Davina is diminutive in size and so large in life! Over the last several years I’ve been lucky to attend some of her workshops and speaking engagements. Never disappointed. Always came away feeling lifted up by Davina's love, compassion and insight. And calmness. How does she do that? Her love and intuitive energy bowl me over. Davina is intelligent, talented, gifted in so many areas, this woman is a gem to work with, to confide in, to be transparent in front of. Yes, she has many degrees. And is an accomplished author and life coach. But so many are. Yet Davina stands out from the many. Her intuitiveness as well as her experience helps you to see yourself, the true you, in a gentle and loving way. She partners with you to find your heart's path. Davina is a gifted and talented angel in human form sent here to help us move forward, to see our worthiness. To really love ourselves and follow our hearts. For any of you who want someone to step in and help guide you, Davina Kotulski is the one to call. I also highly recommend her Follow Your Courageous Heart 90 Day Program.”
In January 2017, I chose to focus on me and participated in Davina’s Follow Your Courageous Heart 90 Day program. By committing to this program, I made a commitment to myself. Now I am more aware of what works for me and find myself busy doing things I love with people I love. I am creating the life I desire with regard to the people I choose to allow into my little world. Doing the group exercises was novel for me. Most of the time I had been busy doing what I needed to do, figuring out what I needed to do next, or feeling exhausted. I realized that taking the time to focus on what truly resides in my heart often times gets put to the side, never to really be considered. I am so happy with the people in my life and acknowledging this as something I did changed my perspective to a sense of accomplishment."